SUPER ADMIN   log out  
  for streamers: log in  




The bot is enabled on yourthis channel ([[ channel ]]).

The bot is NOT enabled on yourthis channel ([[ channel ]]).

enter youtube channel URL or ID: (youtube channel connected: [[ youtube_id ]]) (no youtube channel connected)

enter owncast URL: (owncast connected: [[ owncast_url ]])

enter kick username: (kick connected: [[ kick_username ]] ([[ kick_chatroom_id ]]))

Forward Commands from Youtube to Twitch

logged in as [[ login ]], viewing [[ channel ]]

Nickname Ledger

max nickname length:
greetz threshold:
greetz wb threshold:

Use !setnickname in the chat to show up here!

Use !setnickname in [[ channel ]]'s chat to show up here!

The bot is NOT enabled on this channel ([[ channel ]]), ask the streamer to enable it by visiting this page and logging in.

  • [[ nicknames[username] ]] = [[ username ]]  
  • = (case sensitive)


pop-outpopout chat